December 10, 2020
Ilay using the rotating abrasives of a 'Jenny Lind' to polish a hearth at St Aldhelm's Quarry in the late 1970s.

33. Purbeck Stone

December 3, 2020
Benjamin Jesty, Dunshay's tenant 1796-1816, was the pioneer of vaccination for smallpox.

32. Benjamin Jesty – The Modest Vaccinator

November 26, 2020
Near Encombe are eleven metres of timber joined by wooden dowels, visible at very low tide, remnants of some large, unnamed sailing vessel.

31. The Fate Of The Halsewell 2

November 19, 2020
Halsewell Quarry is the grassy ledge right of centre. The ship struck under its left end.

30. The Fate of The Halsewell 1

November 12, 2020
Between stone brackets low on the South wall of the Ladia Haveli (Mandawa 18 in the book) is this copy of th

29. Mandawa

November 5, 2020
His face is from a photograph but the picture style is that of the 'tickets'.

28. Labels And Prints

October 29, 2020
Fatehpur's bowri looking west towards the gateway in the early 1980s

27. Fatehpur – An Old Capital

October 22, 2020

26. Starting With Ramgarh

October 15, 2020
The first, locally-produced edition of my guide beside the fourth, 2017 Delhi edition.

25. Into The Shekhawati Survey