February 11, 2021
Lakhaji's chhatri after the quake and clearing it from the rubble.

42. When Kutch Shook

February 4, 2021
Diu Fort looking across the harbour entrance to Ghoghola, the mainland enclave of Diu in 1975.

41. Christmas In Diu

January 28, 2021
In Morbi with a guide beside my scarlet-saddled bike. Five years later a dam broke, bringing death and destruction to the town.

40. Cycling From Kutch To Diu

January 21, 2021
The gateway into Bhuj's palace sector before the 2001 earthquake . Frock-coated, tricorn-hatted Dutch figures are carved beside the archway.

39. Seeking Seaside

January 14, 2021
Evening falls on the ruins of Tigani's mediaeval basilica .

38. Mani 3 – Ghosts And Jackals

January 7, 2021
Above olive trees, Vathia overlooks the sea.

37. Mani 2 – Walking Towards Africa

December 31, 2020
With the hospitable retired sailor and his family in Charia.

36. Mani – The End Of Europe 1

December 24, 2020
Detail of a 1737 map showing a sailing vessel approaching Chapmans Pool. On the flag is 'Rum Tea', both important smuggled goods. (courtesy Dorset History Centre)

35. Powder House

December 17, 2020
From the west side of St Aldhelms Head (left) runs a steep-sided valley called Pier Bottom.

34. A Pierless Bottom