April 7, 2022

60. The Lion And The Lamb

March 3, 2022
Bikaner's merchant havelis - mansions - are built of finely-carved red sandstone.

59. Biking Deeper Into Rajasthan

February 10, 2022
New stamps & a Suitable postmark.

58. A Long Reign

January 6, 2022
On a railway station a man sounds the gong while two others operate a water pump. c1900.

57. The Odd British Inventions In Rajasthani Walls

December 2, 2021
Beside the dome of a little Shiva Temple is a European mercenary wearing a hat, a musket on his shoulder. Detail in a chhatri dated 1776.

56. The Passing British On Indian Walls

November 11, 2021
Dunshay's square gatepost piers and their striking finials.

55. Dunshay Manor And Its Mystery Gateway

October 7, 2021
Purple sea aster flowers have become heads of plumed, wind-blown seeds.

54. Mellow Fruitfulness

September 2, 2021
Khyber Pass from the Afghanistan frontier towards India by my great grandfather, James A Ferrier c1880.

53. Talking Of Afghanistan

August 5, 2021
Marbled white and fritillary butterflies on clifftop knapweed flowers. (Photo Steph)

52. The Weymouth Track Again